Third Example in the Media:

The Terror of Prison Sex

By: Timmy Pratt

For a certain number of men in prison, sex is a terror. They form a class of usually young, usually white, usually "pretty" (or not-ugly) men of whom I'm an example, albeit, a fictitious one.

It's always essential to be strong and manly, especially in prison. It's important to be tough and unafraid. In prison there are a lot of predators who want to have sex with me.

I've always had a strong sex drive. It's only natural for a young man. I would never admit it to the other prisoners, but, besides having had plenty of girls, as a boy, I also was involved in some shameful sex with other males. Nothing very serious, you understand, but I let some other boys and men give me certain filthy kinds of pleasure.
It makes me realize that I have an unnatural weakness. It frightens me a little. I must be continually strong and manly. It would be really, really weak to allow myself to be seduced. That would even be worse than being raped.

After years in jail, I'm lonely. I want sex. Sometimes I feel like I NEED sex. It would be shamefully unmanly to allow some pervert to talk me into having sex with him or to let him give me affection or "friendship," or favors so that I felt like I was obligated to have sex with him.
You'd be surprised at how many men in prison are weak and give-in to having sex with other men. Like me, most of them aren't "queers." They are just sexually starved and they crave affection and interaction with others. But it's an unmanly weakness.

Masturbation is a weakness, too. I try not to give-in to touching myself. It's more natural to have wet-dreams. You can't help having them, so that's not unmanly. The strongest and most masculine men can't help having wet-dreams.

Pornography is bad, too. It makes you think about sex even more than you would otherwise. It makes you even weaker and even more sexually hungry.

I'm afraid to be too sexually hungry. If I was, it would be too easy to give-in to masturbation, or even to allow myself to be seduced. It's important to be strong and to be on guard. It's hard enough to be on guard against all the predators who want to degrade me by taking advantage of me sexually. I must also be on guard that I don't humiliate myself or allow myself to be humiliated by my own strong sexual desires.

Some inmates have sex with members of the staff. That's better, at least when it's with the female staff. The guys who have sex with the male guards, they aren't much better than the many who get with other prisoners or use the jailhouse faggots. But there aren't many of them. I mean there aren't many inmates who have sex with the male guards. There are plenty of faggots.

In this prison there are probably 100 or 150 real faggots, maybe one or two out of every hundred inmates. They are the real freaks who don't care that everyone knows what they're into. But, for every one of the "queens," there are three or four guys who pretend to be strong, normal, manly men but are really swapping out with other men. It's a terrifying weakness.
I've always kept myself athletic and physically fit. I'm not going to let any of the predators rape me or even think that I'm weak enough for them to dare to try it. What would happen to my sense of manhood? And the other men would make fun of me! It's enough to give you a complex!

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Prison rape and sexual assault are both very serious matters. This article explains what it feels like to be in a situation where prison sexuality is prevalent. When Timmy Pratt says "But, for every one of the "queens," there are three or four guys who pretend to be strong, normal, manly men but are really swapping out with other men." we can relate it to Boggs and "the sisters" perfectly. This shows us how sexuality in prison is such a traumatizing matter and should make us realize what a strong man Andy Dufrenes was in the film. He managed to keep his hopes up despite the sexual trauma he experienced.

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